Con Fuego


where's the fire?
where's the fire?

My morning run turned out to be more of a work out than I had imagined it would be. I had only gotten about one mile from our house, and I saw flames coming towards me. Peyton was home, that was my first thought. The wind was blowing strong in our direction.  I set a personal record getting home, calling the fire department and the neighbors. We ended up losing 700 acres that day. Neighbors and several volunteer fire departments from surrounding counties battled the flames all through the night. The following day, a row of  round hay  bales continued to fuel the fire behind our neighbor’s house. It was a blessing that no one was hurt and the horses, cattle and other livestock were not affected. The homes suffered smoke damage, but the amazing men and women who worked through the night were able to disc sufficient fire breaks to prevent the fire from spreading further.

Published by Dana Spring Parish

wife, mother, runner, artist, animal lover,photographer, art teacher

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