Happy Birthday Leicalady!

Leicalady, the blog, that is celebrated her birthday in Chicago. It all began one year ago when Peyton set off for his National Youth Forum in Phoenix for TEN DAYS. To survive without mi Hijo menor…..I thought better of traipsing around the countryside with gas upwards of  four bucks a gallon. My time was cheapContinue reading “Happy Birthday Leicalady!”

National Youth Forum on Medicine

 Peyton had a blast, but is happy to be home. He also was sad to say good-bye to his new friends that he made the last ten days in Phoenix. He learned so much about the medical field and has shared a lot about his thoughts for his future career. We arrived home less thanContinue reading “National Youth Forum on Medicine”


I just talked to Peyton about his third day in Phoenix attending the National Youth Forum on Medicine. Yesterday, he watched knee replacement surgery during a live broadcast from the hospital. Today he is on his way to a Veteran’s Hospital.He is now even more convinced that he wants to go into the medical fieldContinue reading “Telemedicine”

What’s happening at the Rockin’ P Ranch

 Sky and Cora are sitting on the screen porch, waiting to see Peyton when he gets home. It will be a week from today when he returns from Phoenix….seems like forever, but I talked to him when he arrived yesterday and again this morning. He has a full schedule of tours through the medical universitiesContinue reading “What’s happening at the Rockin’ P Ranch”