Rules are Rules

Our property came with several deed restrictions which we were very happy about. We have not had any problems abiding by all of them, including NO HOGS!  Fortunately this does not include miniature micro pot-bellied pigs that are guaranteed to stay under 10 pounds…..or was it 110???

Happy Day!!!!!

Miss Piggy was up bright and early and starving with her usual healthy appetite. She had homemade pancakes, cranberry bread and some hog feed to balance it out.  A few oatmeal cookies for dessert…..She was cheerful and like a new pig after yesterday’s damp chilly weather really got her down. I remade her bed withContinue reading “Happy Day!!!!!”

Needle In A Haystack

Almost had to poke poor little Miss Piggy today. I talked to a couple of Veterinarians and some pot bellied pig breeders and thought that she might need a penicillin shot, just in case she had pneumonia or something. She was shivering and trying to make a warm bed out of wet leaves. She wasContinue reading “Needle In A Haystack”

America’s Next Top Model

  In this economy it is not enough to just have a beautiful face and figure. You have to be able to multitask…..for instance, Miss Piggy has been forced into plowing the back forty in order to feed the less endowed creatures that happen to dwell here. She  has had numerous requests for her modelingContinue reading “America’s Next Top Model”

Mr. Piggy

Miss Piggy always wanted a friend, even a bucket or ball or any object that was her shape would hold her interest until it sadly rolled away. I’m sure she has forgotten that she is a pig. I was just making her yummy pancakes this morning when Eddie, one of Peyton’s best friends called. “It’sContinue reading “Mr. Piggy”

Swining and Dining

We are taking all precautions to insure that Miss Piggy does not get exposed to the flu of any kind. We wash our hands and sterilize the plates before we fix her slop. We tried to get her to have a sip of red wine for the antioxidant properties of “resveratrol and the flavonoids” butContinue reading “Swining and Dining”

Pigasso Will Paint For Food

  If only I had this raw talent. I would not want to clean up after these guys, but  with the profits that these piglets will be bringing in, they will have their own studio with maid service….    

All The Pretty Pony Tails

While the girls were busy grooming and learning how to french braid the horses manes and tails, Miss Piggy was enjoying a mud facial and taking a nap. She would need her beauty sleep to get ready for the big night ahead. After dinner, she was looking forward to roasting marshmallows and watching movies allContinue reading “All The Pretty Pony Tails”