Turkey Trot

Tom and I went for a run yesterday morning and on our way back, we found some competition that encouraged us to sprint after them. New Year’s resolutions include not letting any turkeys lap us on our run. These gobblers had an advantage, as they they took a short cut and glided over the fence.Continue reading “Turkey Trot”

Mexican Eagles

We have lots of these birds around the ranch, but these two we call Chilly and Willy have been coming back for the last two years and raising their young in a nearby nest. We supplement their food supply in exchange for the pleasure of watching them soar and show off for us.

Ducks Unlimited

watercolor painting Mallards Flying Hey Mom. Look at us! She must be so proud. Three boys and a girl! Mama duck does it all by herself. All we can do is paint their picture and laugh at them when they take their first few summersaults trying to land for the first time. We love itContinue reading “Ducks Unlimited”

Mallard Hen with Ducklings (painting progress)

These ducklings left the nest long before I finished the painting. Is it finished? I’m not sure. I may add another twig or feather. As long as it stays on my easel I can continue to enjoy the painting  process and admire the look in the mother hen’s eye while her babies are still safeContinue reading “Mallard Hen with Ducklings (painting progress)”

Will Fly For Food

I forgot how wonderful our Canon 300 mm lens is, until I switched from the 70 to 210 zoom to take pictures of the Falcons that were showing off for us. They were the opening act before the fireworks display that we had later the night of the 4th of July. They knew that theyContinue reading “Will Fly For Food”

Frequent Flyers

Our 4th Of July included a return visit from two Crested Cara Caras. Often they are waiting on the fence post for us to bring them a treat. We talked about our habit of feeding these raptors to our friend John Karger. John founded a refuge for injured or orphaned Birds Of Prey which includesContinue reading “Frequent Flyers”