Dog and Pony Show

The last time Princess Macaroni came out to the ranch, we gave her a hay ride in the wheel barrow. This time, she was a good sport being herded by Pony Boy….. Mini Macaroni gave Princess Mac a little love bite. The ponies know just how much they can get away with without being shippedContinue reading “Dog and Pony Show”

Dog Days of Winter

Tina, Dena, BV, the princess, Macaroni and the Labs, Bear and Lil Yellow came out yesterday for a fun photo shoot. It was overcast and a little chilly, but we warmed up fast. Getting through the gate where the ponies are was a little intimidating. It took a little while to get over the problemContinue reading “Dog Days of Winter”

Macaroni Visits The Ranch

Already a Princess, this Basset Houndress had a great time with her big Lab brothers Bear and Lil Yellow. She had a hayride and had a visit with Miss Piggy who  was insulted to be called “livestock” but I guess that’s better than bacon! We had fajitas for dinner and then everybody had a nap.Continue reading “Macaroni Visits The Ranch”