Fun Night

This is Tom and my sister Sue. I would have to bitch slap her for touching his face if she was not family. We adopted each other. She is the smartest, cutest, funniest person I have ever met. (Besides my original family)This is Sue with her three human children and husband. They have three doggieContinue reading “Fun Night”

Splash Zone

It may not sound like fun to most people, but watching these little mud puppies splashing away is one of the highlights of my afternoon!Of course, they know that we are being entertained, so they ham it up even more.Luckily, a few shakes and rolls, and they are spanking clean again……not that we would everContinue reading “Splash Zone”

You Made Us Love You

With those big brown eyes…..the way your eyebrows go back and forth between Tom and I when you know we are talking about you….the way you hunch down and try to and sneak by when you just finish stealing the cat’s food.You could bite Spooky’s head off when she tries to ride you…… You learnedContinue reading “You Made Us Love You”

Will Pose for Food

Sky was very patient while I painted her sitting in front of the bay in Rockport. She finally said “Just take a picture” Well we did take about 500 with the two Canons and of-course video with the Flip camera from the minute that we left the ranch until we stopped at Dairy Queen forContinue reading “Will Pose for Food”

Dog Days of Winter

Tina, Dena, BV, the princess, Macaroni and the Labs, Bear and Lil Yellow came out yesterday for a fun photo shoot. It was overcast and a little chilly, but we warmed up fast. Getting through the gate where the ponies are was a little intimidating. It took a little while to get over the problemContinue reading “Dog Days of Winter”

Wellington in the Works

I’m working on this portrait in oil. (This image is flipped because I shot it with my computer.)This should be a good day to finish it. I’m thinking of a rose or potter’s pink background…..hope I have some. It would be too bad if I HAD to make a trip to Herweck’s Art Supply toContinue reading “Wellington in the Works”

Guard Dogs

The Health care plan has no impact on our house so far. We have a round the clock medical staff guaranteed to heal what ails you. Peyton is home sick today and Nurse Sky watched over him until……. Spooky thought she better give mouth to mouth …… Get better soon, Peyton !!!!