Good Bad Bug Dog

Not all ranch work is done outside the casa….and there is no rest for the weary! Sky, our fearless Australian Shepherd has a new job. I think that she has been alerted to potential danger because she has heard my blood curdling screams…..sometimes in the middle of the night. I love all creatures (just askContinue reading “Good Bad Bug Dog”

Overworked and Underpaid

It was really quiet around here without the Top Dog running and barking. I could actually listen to some really good music without all the barking!!! Sky had gone to work at the photo lab. Her boss sent me this photo so I would not be surprised if she got laid off…..Too bad, we couldContinue reading “Overworked and Underpaid”

What’s happening at the Rockin’ P Ranch

 Sky and Cora are sitting on the screen porch, waiting to see Peyton when he gets home. It will be a week from today when he returns from Phoenix….seems like forever, but I talked to him when he arrived yesterday and again this morning. He has a full schedule of tours through the medical universitiesContinue reading “What’s happening at the Rockin’ P Ranch”