Mexican Eagles

We have lots of these birds around the ranch, but these two we call Chilly and Willy have been coming back for the last two years and raising their young in a nearby nest. We supplement their food supply in exchange for the pleasure of watching them soar and show off for us.

Will Fly For Food

I forgot how wonderful our Canon 300 mm lens is, until I switched from the 70 to 210 zoom to take pictures of the Falcons that were showing off for us. They were the opening act before the fireworks display that we had later the night of the 4th of July. They knew that theyContinue reading “Will Fly For Food”

The Operation Was A Success, but

The patient is spoiled rotten! When your much loved pet is sick or injured you would do anything to insure the best possible care and a speedy recovery. But would you or could you care for about 150 to 300  orphaned or injured birds in a year? We are not talking cute little parrots orContinue reading “The Operation Was A Success, but”

Frequent Flyers

Our 4th Of July included a return visit from two Crested Cara Caras. Often they are waiting on the fence post for us to bring them a treat. We talked about our habit of feeding these raptors to our friend John Karger. John founded a refuge for injured or orphaned Birds Of Prey which includesContinue reading “Frequent Flyers”

Birder’s Paradise

Our Canon 5D cameras are always ready to capture the abundance of wildlife that we see out our front door. We are working on a series of photos of a pair of Crested Caracaras that have been visiting our front field and have been bringing their new fledglings  to meet us…