Saturday Night Social Club

Let’s Go!!!! Mamacita had been so excited the day we took her to meet her mate. Probably because her food was in the back seat, but anyway we had no problem getting her into her little pen and loading her up for an air-conditioned limo ride to her luna miel. Miss Piggy ran after us.Continue reading “Saturday Night Social Club”

Ipod For My Horse, Of-Course

“He wants his OWN radio” she claimed. Wow ! He said that? He was a horse. I thought you had to put peanut butter on their tongue to make them do that. “No, I am communicating with his soul” she scoffed at me. She had accompanied her cousin to look at a mini horse weContinue reading “Ipod For My Horse, Of-Course”

Donde Estaba Mi Marido?

Luckily, I had a recent picture of him, I laughed to myself. He wasn’t really wearing a fanny pack. He would gladly carry my ten pound purse for me if asked him to, but a fanny pack is a stretch. At this point, I wasn’t worried. How far away could he get from me inContinue reading “Donde Estaba Mi Marido?”

Eddie’s Missing !!!!!

It was last Spring. Our 80 pound African Sulcata Tortoise had found a weak place in his pen and had escaped. Being the start of the mating season, our guess is that he was in search for another large tortoise. The closest ones I knew about were at Sandy Oaks Olive Orchard which was noContinue reading “Eddie’s Missing !!!!!”